19 July 2014

ORDINATION DAY (June 28, 2014)

(Photo courtesy of my sister-in-law, Ate Marissa Catubig Niles)
The guy on my left is a former U.S. Navy doctor, Deacon Paul Sejben, M.D., and the guy on my right is a former U.S. Army solider, Deacon Juan Moreno.

My wife recorded this clip.

This video was produced by Sancta Trinitas Unus Deus (the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco).
This thumbnail is where I am kneeling before the Bishop to receive the Book of the Gospels.  I know this was me b/c my left foot got stuck under my dalmatic, and you can only see my right foot.

 23:25 Presentation of Candidates
34:34 Promise of Obedience
49:40 Ordination
59:15 Presentation of Gospel

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Here is a feature on Pages 36-39 in the diocesan magazine Catholic Herald (Sept./Oct. 2014):

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(Photo credit: Jay Balza)
In 2014, the Catholic Church moved the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the reformed liturgical calendar to June 28, 2014.  I attribute the diaconate to her.


I'm the 2nd from the left prostrating during the Litany of Saints.
(photo by Sean Salvatin)

(Photo courtesy of my sister-in-law, Ate Marissa Catubig Niles)
I remember how the bishop firmly pressed my head down as he did the laying of hands.  Later that day, I shared this with my friend, Stacey Lorica, who then asked, "What do you think that means?" And I replied, "To remind me to serve."

Ordination of Dennis to Diaconate (Photo credit: Sean Salvatin)

"Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you have become.  Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach."
(Photo credit: Sean Salvatin)

(Photo credit: Jay Balza)

(Photo credit: Jay Balza)
This is Jay's wife and son.  I think his son might be a priest someday.

(Photo credit: Jay Balza)
(Photo credit: Jay Balza)

(my family)
(wife has Baby Faith Marie who I later baptized)
(I think Jay Balza took this photo.)

(Photo credit: Jay Balza; jay's blog is located @ http://sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com/)
Jay loves the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, but he also recognizes the Ordinary Form.

(photo courtesy of Mart - added in 2023)

L to R: Dan Alves, Helen Dris, Fr. William Kinane (former pastor of St. Catherine's, Odie Dris, and Gabe del Castillo)

Deacon Rudy David is retired VP of a real estate company.

These young adults are the pillar of the Southern Deanery of the Diocese!  I can think of a couple of young priestly vocations that came from this part of the Diocese.

Deacon Raffy Rey of St. Vincent's Parish in Vallejo
(Deacon Raffy's 2 boys, CPT Derek Rey, USMC, and Dustin Rey, were my high school students at St. Pat's High.)

Later, at St. Catherine's 5pm Mass:

(photo from my Uncle Olan & Auntie Helen)
(1st anointing with Oil of Catechumens for Baby Faith Marie before Mass started)

(photo by my little sister, Rachel)
I was privileged to baptize my daughter, Faith Marie, later in the evening.  I was so nervous pronouncing the Baptismal Formula that I had to look at the Rite of Baptism book three times to remember what to say.
I know a photo was taken by someone, but I can't seem to find it.


(reception after Mass)
Thank you to all those who prepared the day and reception.  While I do not know who you are in this life, may God always bless you for your kindness.

(courtesy of Maureen DeVigal, mom of my godson "Little Brother" Francis)



"The deacon's wife is the deacon's first bishop."  -Me 
In the Eastern Catholic Churches, they are considered a mother of the parish.
I'm of the opinion that a greater majority of deacon-wives are unsung saints.
(photo taken in 2017)

I took this picture in 2015 at St. Joseph's Church in Vacaville, CA.  I took this photo b/c my feet were the first things I saw opening my eyes after the bishop laid his hands upon my head.  They remind me of Jesus washing His disciples' feet.  I will regularly look at my feet during Mass as I'm assisting the priest to remind me of this.  In this photo, I thought of the many steps I would walk for Him before eventually taking my last steps for my final days in His service.


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