19 July 2014

Canonical Retreat was About My Wife

During the 5-day retreat prior to ordination, I spent time discerning, thinking, getting distracted, praying, and everything else that goes through a candidate before ordination.

I concluded that the retreat was about my wife.  Let me briefly explain.

A married deacon brings his wife and kids to the diaconal ministry.  It is both a joy and a challenge.  In my case, it can be a double challenge since I bring not just kids but young kids as well.

A deacon's wife is the deacon's first bishop.  His home is his first seminary.  His Sacrament of Matrimony his first vow of obedience.

Throughout the retreat, I tried to discern God's voice.  It wasn't me.  It's about others, and in this case the one with whom I have become one flesh in Holy Matrimony.

A deacon's wife is indispensable for a deacon.  This was confirmed most profoundly when God gave me the gift of tears on the last night.

A married deacon lays down his life for his wife in a most profound way as Christ loved His Body, the Church.  Yes, this is true for all Christians who are called to be Christ-like, but there is a unique sacramental bond of unity that occurs with the deacon's wife.  This is why I am utterly convinced that a man considering the diaconate must also include his wife in the process. 

I remember when I first thought about the diaconate as a teenager.  Even then, I thought about marrying someone who would some day be a holy deacon's wife.  Not all women are cut out for this.

The deacon's wife is the deacon's first bishop.

Photo credit: Fr. John Brennan, retreat master

Photo of Class of 2014 courtesy of Deacon John & Beatrice Bockman


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