19 July 2014

Aspirancy w/Fr. Jack Mitchell, S.J.

I am deeply indebted to the Jesuits over the years.  I have to admit that I am a protege of the Jesuit order.

Photo with Fr. Jack before Ordination Mass  began
(I was vesting for Mass when he walked in and surprised me.  My wife took this picture.)

Fr. John "Jack" Mitchell, S.J., guided me through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius over the course of 9 months.  Normally, this would be completed during 30 straight days.

The details of the Exercises are documented in 5 journals.

There is a photo floating around somewhere where Fr. Jack met with me and my family in Vallejo.  We met at McDonald's Playplace on Sonoma Blvd. in Vallejo where my kids got to play.
Fr. Jack came to my ordination day!

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