21 August 2022

Homily #215b: Stand Up For What is Right, Even If You're Standing Alone (The Narrow Gate)


Homily #215b: "Stand Up For What Is Right, Even If You’re Standing Alone (The Narrow Gate)”

[outline & video only; no prepared text]

By Deacon Dennis Purificacion


I Pre-Evangelization (Sermon Using Ecclesial Method)

A.      Adolf Hitler (start with Adolf Hitler but end with Jesus Christ) – 6M Jews + 6M non-Jews

B.      Agustus Landmesser – did not do Nazi salute, even when surrounded by hundreds who did

C.      Photo: “Be like this guy.”

D.      From poster up in my classroom when I taught at St. Pat's High School: Stand up for what is right, even if you’re standing alone.  Even if voice, body shakes.

E.       In face of genocide, which still happens today, what are we to do?


II. Evangelization (Proclamation/Explanation)

A.      Today's Gospel: "Strive to enter the narrow gate” (The Narrow Gate)

B.      Today's Gospel: "Some who are first will be last; some who are last will be first.” (Hitler v. Landmesser)

C.      Truth not determined by the majority.  Stand up for what is right, even if you’re standing alone.  Jesus Christ.


III. Explanation/Application (tell what you’re going to tell, tell them, tell what you told them)

A.      Jesus Christ- “I am THE way, truth and life.” (today’s Gospel Acclamation)

B.      His Catholic Church - Bl. Anne Catherine vision of Jesus alone in Garden of Gethsemane but still dying for a return of only a small flock following Him; unfortunately, many Catholics do not agree with Holy Mother Church’s teachings (example: existence of devil, Hell, Real Presence); but let’s take another look at Church’s teaching; invitation to deeper conversion to accept all of Church’s teachings- narrow way; be loyal sons and daughters of Holy Mother Church [if time: Benedict Option?]

C.      You & Me – today’s Second Reading from the Letter to the Hebrews (spiritual discipline): “cause for no joy now, but later a cause of righteousness for those trained in it” [Baptism/Confirmation]


IV. Celebration & Closing (lives of saints and martyrs)

A.      St. Thomas More – cowardly bishops of English, only 1 bishop, St. John Fisher, stood alone

B.      Ven. Fulton Sheen – Either world will interfere with Church, or Church will influence world.

C.      “Go” (Ite, Misa Est) – First Reading from Isaiah “They shall proclaim my glory to all the nations.”

D.      Dietrich Bonhoffer, “Cost of Discipleship” à “What price willing to pay to follow Jesus?”

E.       Visual: Fold arms transition to the Cross (Augustus Landmesser à Jesus Christ)

F.       Narrow gate à is the Cross [slow down]

G.      “Be like this guy.” Point to crucifix. à “Be like Jesus Christ.”


21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 21, 2022, 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Masses

(quoted 3 Germans: Agustus Landmesser, Bl. Anne Catherine, Dietrich Bonhoffer)

Original video by St. Catherine Church, Vallejo, CA, USA from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvy8TYQLqz4

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