23 December 2016

The Significance of Dec. 23

It must have been Dec. 23, 1990.  I would have been a high school junior.

I was at Fr. Norman Segovia's anniversary celebration as a priest.  It was at the Cano Residence in San Jose, California.

A member of the Legion of Mary, Bro. Edgar Villanueva, asked me if I thought about the priesthood.

I told him that the life of the new parish deacon appealed to me.  I said that I felt called to be married.

He simply said, "Okay."

And that was it. 

It was the first time in my memory that someone encouraged me to be a married permanent deacon.

It was at a simple gathering.  No fanfare.  No fireworks.

It was someone in the parish who encouraged me.  God's people asked me.

The rest is history.

(I first blogged about it in more detail HERE.)

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