22 December 2016

A Dream of Three Demons

I had a dream of what I believe were 3 demons.

I was at a dinner table.  Tove Ann was seated to my left.

The demon in front of me took human form of a woman.  I went to touch the "woman" with my left hand and the demon said to me, "Why do you touch me with your impurities?"

Then there was a demon to my right.  It also took the form of a woman but this image looked charcoaled and in agony.

The third demon was the image of a woman's head on the table.  It was constantly vomiting.  Tove Ann said, "Gross!"

I picked up the vomiting head and threw it off the table.

I woke up in the middle of the night.  I didn't wake up Tove Ann.

Later in the day, I told her.

My sense was that it meant to pray for souls in purgatory.

As I write this, I think that it could just mean Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.

This dream is such a contrast to my previous dream of Christ and the devil which I blogged about HERE.

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