02 September 2017

My Family Helped at Baptism Prep Class

The wife and kids helped me set up.  Tove Ann said a few words about Baptism Prep.

Here they are setting up the room.

After attendance, I recall the story of salvation (summarize the Bible) and, most importantly, call the attendees to a moment of conversion.  The audio is below:

After the story of salvation, I ask the parents some (subjective) questions.  This is then followed by a catechesis on the Seven Sacraments.  I challenge them on certain points.

We then look at the Rite of Baptism.  I cover all the particulars and why.  I bring some Holy Oils for them to smell, and I provide a catechesis (religious formation/explanation) of the meanings of the Rite of Baptism.

Attendance: ordinary moment done with love and for the salvation of souls.

(already training her to teach the Faith at a young age)

My wife says a few words.  She also leads an opening prayer.

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