04 September 2017

Baptism of Baby Braxton Joseph, My Nephew (w/Homily #95)

"Braxton Joseph, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
(photo courtesy of Rachel Perez Cizauskas)

Arriving @ St. John's Catholic Church in Milpitas, CA
(my first boyhood parish where I began to practice my Catholic Faith)


Reception of the Child

Liturgy of the Word

- Michelle read the reading from the Old Testament
- Tove Ann did the Responsorial Psalm & sung the Alleluia
- I proclaimed the Gospel from Mt. 28 on baptizing & teaching all nations.

(Homily #95: A Sermon of Love for Extended Family)

Prayer of (Minor) Exorcism & Anointing Before Baptism

Celebration of the Sacrament

Blessing & Invocation of God Over Baptismal Water

(Video 1 of 7)

(Video 2 of 7: Touching the Water)

Renunciation of Sin & Profession of Faith


(Video 3 of 7: Baptism @ 01:40)

Explanatory Rites

Anointing After Baptism

(Video 4 of 7: Anointing After Baptism)

Clothing With White Garment

Lighted Candle

(Video 5 of 7: "Receive the Light of Christ.")

Ephphetha (Prayer Over Ears & Mouth)

Conclusion of the Rite

(Video 6 of 7: Conclusion & Blessing of Mother & Father & Assembly)

Lord's Prayer



(Video 7 of 7: Parents' Thank You Remarks @ End of Reception)

My nephew was my 57th baptism to administer.

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