24 September 2017

Jesus Recruits Us to Help Save Souls From Hell (Homily #99)

"You too go into My vineyard" (Mt. 20).

Audio clips below are in 3 separate sections due to technical difficulties (Sun., 5pm):
(audio recording, Part 1 of 3)

(audio recording, Part 2 of 3)

(audio recording, Part 3 of 3)


Homily #99
“Jesus Recruits Us to Help Save Souls From Hell”
by Deacon Dennis Purificacion
Parable of the Landowner (Mt. 20)
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 24, 2017
(Sat., 5pm; Sun. 8am & 5pm Masses)

There are 3 main points (on God’s generosity in the Parable of the Landowner):
1.)  Serving God is a gift.
2.)  We have the free will to accept or reject generous God’s gift.
3.)  Here are some practical ways to be an effective laborer/apostle.

Whenever we apply for a job (or college), we create a resume (or application).  We then send our resume to a company Human Resources recruiter hoping for an interview.  It is typically the job applicant that approach the company for work. 
However, in today’s Gospel, the opposite is true.  It isn’t the applicant that is the main focus, but rather it is the employer that is the focus.  That’s part of the meaning of “The last will be first, and the first will be last”.  Jesus once again switches our way of looking at things.  Instead of us approaching Jesus to work in Jesus’s Kingdom, it is rather, Jesus Himself – our Divine Employer – who initiated the first move.  Like the bumper sticker says, “My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter.” 
Jesus’s call for you and me is so abundantly generous that it is a gift.  In a sense, Jesus doesn’t care what’s on the resume.  His call for us is unmerited.  We don’t deserve the job, but he still calls us.  In today’s parable, the landowner is Jesus, and he describes himself as “generous”.    From our First Reading, it is written in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah that God is “generous in forgiveness.  In Gospel, Jesus the Generous Landowner says to us, “Am I not free to do as I wish with my own money or my treasures or my graces?”  This is why the laborers shouldn’t complain to the Divine Landowner about their pay—because serving God is a gift.  
That leads to the second point.  Just as God is free to call and recruit and distribute the treasures of graces, so too we are free to accept or reject that call from God to work in his vineyard.  But what I want to say is this: There are far too many souls that are rejecting God today.  And I’m not referring to outside in the world, but within those Catholics that are rejecting God within the Church.
What are we doing to help save our souls?  What are we doing to help save the souls of our loved ones and others, esp. in our immediate family?  Jesus recruits us to help saves souls from Hell.
Here’s a snapshot of the rejection and why you are needed in the vineyard to labor for God: Out of 100 Catholics in the United States, only 22% go to Sunday Mass.  In Europe, it is worse: only 10 out of 100 go to Mass.  Of those that go to Sunday Mass, only 1/3 believe in the Real Presence.  Only 2 out of 10 believe in Hell and the devil.  A majority of Mass-going Catholics reject some moral teaching of the Church.  (Cite Deacon Pete statistic on 9/10 cohabiting before marriage—not Catholic way of dating and courtship.)  It’s a type of silent apostasy.  Apostasy is when Catholics leave the Church.  It’s like stars falling from the sky; it is a tribulation for the Church.  Instead of apostasy, however, our RCIA programs should be packed with new Catholics.
This is a sample of why we need you right now, the Church needs you!  Jesus needs you!  Mary needs you to bring souls to her Son.  Jesus says, “I thirst”, but like in the Gospel, most Catholics are idle.  They just stand there.  The landowner found others standing around idle in the marketplace and said, “Why do you stand here idle all day?  You go to my vineyard.”  So many souls are lost every day.    Just look in our own families & friends who don’t go to Mass or are living lives of sin.  Are we giving them the help they need to be free from sin and live in grace?
Finally, here are some ways to be an effective apostle.  If we want to help save our souls and the souls of loved ones, the first way is to bend our knees in prayer to God through – not just a sacramental life but – a fervent Sacramental life: The Eucharist is the center and source of prayer.  Confession.  We need to make sure that our marriages are in good standing with the Church.  Our Lady said that Fatima that there are many marriages not pleasing to God.  As Sr. Lucia of Fatima wrote, “The final battle between Our Lord and Satan will be over family and marriage.”  (Cite Deacon Bobby comment about the best homily I as a deacon can give is when I bring my family to Mass.)  (If time, talk about statistic about father of families attending church.  Include Men’s Cursillo Retreat.)  (If time, briefly mention the role of men as spiritual fathers.)  The soul of the apostolate is personal daily prayer.  I know you’re busy, but don’t forget Our Lord.  Don’t be so busy to neglect the Lord for the works of the Lord.  (Every Wed., Jesus in Blessed Sacrament is exposed.) 
The second concrete way is true devotion to Mary.  The greatest saints in the Church’s history are those that have a deep love for Mama Mary and her rosary.  (If someone in our family is away from God and the Church, pray the rosary for that person, fast on Friday for them, and offer prayers and sacrifices for them.)  October is the month of the Rosary, and we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fatima on Oct. 13.  If a family member isn’t coming to church, pray/fast for them.
In closing, we covered 3 main points:
1.)  Serving God is a gift.
2.)  We have the free will to accept or reject God’s generous gift.
3.)  We saw some practical ways to be an effective apostle.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard.  May we accept God’s free gift to be that zealous – not lukewarm – laborers for him, and in so doing, grow in holiness, help save our souls, and the souls of others, so that they may be in Heaven forever and ever and ever.  Amen.

(partial recording due to technical difficulties: Sat., 5pm Mass)

(partial recording due to technical difficulties: Sun., 8am Mass)

23 September 2017

Funeral Sermon for Mick Barin, Jr. RIP (Homily #98)

"I'm gonna look for you, Mom." 
- Mick when he was 6 years old taking about the next life

Thank you, Msgr. Gutierrez, pastor of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Morgan Hill, CA.  And thank you, Fr. Randy.

I had some technical issues recording.  Had to record in 3 separate clips here:
(audio 1 of 3)

(audio 2 of 3)

(audio 3 of 3)

+ Eternal rest grant unto Mick, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.

22 September 2017

Officiating My Dad's Convalidation Ceremony (Homily #96)

My dad's marriage is now in good standing with God and the Church.

After over two decades in a civil marriage, all the necessary preparation and permissions were granted for my dad and my lovely Mama Tess to have a "convalidation" on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017.

A convalidation establishes a valid Catholic union.

Convalidation involves at least one Catholic spouse who is not married by a Catholic minister (without permission from the bishop), such as a civil marriage or marriage by a Protestant minister.  The Catholic Church then receives the vows in a simple rite that takes about 20 minutes without Mass.  I used the Order for Celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (Outside Mass).

Catholics should be married in the Catholic Church. 

Even if one spouse is not Catholic, the Catholic should still be married in the Catholic Church (unless the bishop grants permission through a dispensation).

What is somewhat unique here is for a son to receive his own father's vows.

This is me and my Dad when we arrived at the church.



Homily #96: Dad & Mama Tess Convalidation


The Questions Before the Consent
Video Clip 1 of 7: Questions Before Consent


Video Clip 2 of 7: The Consent w/the Blessing and Giving of Rings

Nuptial Blessing
(I forgot to put out kneelers before we started. 
I told my Dad that we can just do the Nuptial Blessing standing, but he insisted on kneeling. 
During a Nuptial Mass, this is done after the Our Father.)

Video Clip 3 of 7: The Nuptial Blessing


Video Clip 4 of 7: "You May Now Kiss the Bride."

Video Clip 5 of 7: Recessional
(Heaven was present in the Communion of the Saints.)

Video Clip 6 of 7: Thank you, Mama Mary!!!

Video Clip 7 of 7: Couple Hugs Each Other

(a marriage blessed by Almighty God)

We were going to go to Black Bear Diner, but by the time we left the church it was too late.  So we went to Denny's instead.  As one can see, the reception does not need to cost thousands of dollars.

Thank you, God, for giving my Dad the health to convalidate his marriage in the Church. 

Thank you, Mama Mary, for your intercession, and to whom I have placed this intention for 25 years.  You NEVER fail me, my Queen.

Deo gratias! 


(added on 12/20/17)

The Order allows the distribution of Holy Communion Outside Mass, but I did not give Holy Communion. 

My dad sent me a photo of him receiving Holy Communion a few days later:

This is worth more than gold.

16 September 2017

14 Newly Baptized "Part of the Tribe" of Christ (Homily #97)

I used Star Wars: Return of the Jedi to explain being a royal people, a chosen nation set apart for Christ (cf. 1 Peter 2:9) selected as the reading during the Rite of Baptism.

"Wonderful, we are now part of the tribe."  - C3PO after telling the story of SW heroes

Welcome to the "Tribe" of Jesus Christ, precious little ones:

Damian (a young toddler not yet of the age of reason)
Zoe Ysabelle
Melody Love
Ava Brielle (whose dad helped me set up & read Word of God)
Zoe Grace
Kage Bishop
Phoenix Daniel
Theron Xavier (whose dad was my wife's classmate)
Jordyn Paige
Noah Elwin

Ava's dad came up to me as I was setting up, and he helped light candles and move the Paschal Candle for me.  Little acts like this were such a big help.  I was able to start on time.  I could tell that he understood what happens at his parish and how to serve.  So I asked him read from 1 Peter 2:9 during the Liturgy of the Word.  I hope it touched him to be able to do this for his daughter's big day.

One of the babies pushed the baptismal shell away as I was pouring Holy Water, and some water sprinkled on the baby's face by accident.

As we were taking pictures, I asked Damian to pray for me.

I have been blessed to administer the Sacrament of Baptism to 71 beautiful little ones.

04 September 2017

Baptism of Baby Braxton Joseph, My Nephew (w/Homily #95)

"Braxton Joseph, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
(photo courtesy of Rachel Perez Cizauskas)

Arriving @ St. John's Catholic Church in Milpitas, CA
(my first boyhood parish where I began to practice my Catholic Faith)


Reception of the Child

Liturgy of the Word

- Michelle read the reading from the Old Testament
- Tove Ann did the Responsorial Psalm & sung the Alleluia
- I proclaimed the Gospel from Mt. 28 on baptizing & teaching all nations.

(Homily #95: A Sermon of Love for Extended Family)

Prayer of (Minor) Exorcism & Anointing Before Baptism

Celebration of the Sacrament

Blessing & Invocation of God Over Baptismal Water

(Video 1 of 7)

(Video 2 of 7: Touching the Water)

Renunciation of Sin & Profession of Faith


(Video 3 of 7: Baptism @ 01:40)

Explanatory Rites

Anointing After Baptism

(Video 4 of 7: Anointing After Baptism)

Clothing With White Garment

Lighted Candle

(Video 5 of 7: "Receive the Light of Christ.")

Ephphetha (Prayer Over Ears & Mouth)

Conclusion of the Rite

(Video 6 of 7: Conclusion & Blessing of Mother & Father & Assembly)

Lord's Prayer



(Video 7 of 7: Parents' Thank You Remarks @ End of Reception)

My nephew was my 57th baptism to administer.