(and this is just the bare minimum):
Baptism: Necessary for salvation. Godparents should be practicing Catholics.
Confirmation: Necessary to be born again. More obligated to defend the Catholic Faith.
Eucharist: Missing Sunday Mass on purpose is a mortal sin. Receive in state of grace.
Reconciliation: Should go once a year minimum, but to grow in holiness 1-2x/month.
Anointing of the Sick: Don't wait last minute to call a priest. Must die in state of grace.
Holy Orders: Protestant denominations don't have a valid priesthood and thus no Eucharist.
Holy Matrimony: God instituted marriage between one man and one woman, and Catholics should be married in the Church and open to new human life.
This is from 30 mins of a 3-hr. class this morning explaining truth in charity the minimum duties of the Christian way of life to parents and godparents.
I cannot presume anymore that just because the 80-100 good people in my audience call themselves Catholics that they are properly catechized/formed. We live in an age of watered-down catechesis where the basics of the Faith are not being taught.
This is one way of looking at "When I was hungry, you gave me food. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink." Uncatechized Catholics, especially young adults, are hungry and thirsty for the truth of their Faith.
Feed the spiritually poor and give spiritual drink to those in need of sound teaching.
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