07 September 2016

"Yes, Yes, Forever, Yes."


'Wasn't having the greatest of days today.  Wife texted me this:
"I love you.  Take courage.  Be hopeful.  Christ calls you to serve Him in all that you are.  Get back up, ... soldier.  Love Him first.  Serve Him mightily.  Die for Mary."
Die for Mary.  In my heart, I thought, "Yes, then again yes, and a thousand times yes," but b/c I didn’t want to quantify my response to her, my final answer was instead, "Yes, yes, forever, yes."
I texted my wife that this made me cry as I sat in my parked car.  She replied, "Yah... I know she is your soft spot.  She is your Achilles heal.  She brings you to Jesus."

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