26 August 2016

Gratitude for Sick Person's Recovery

On July 27, I requested prayers from my FB friends, and your response was heartfelt. The prayers were for a dying person admitted to the hospital on July 13. Priests came to administer the Last Rites (Confession, Anointing of the Sick, and Viaticum which is final Eucharist). Thank you for your prayers and to the priests who came with little notice. After a month and a half, the person is being released from the hospital today. Thank you, God.

I am reminded of the words... from the Letter of James Ch. 5:13-16 in the Bible: Is there any sick among you. Then let them call the priests of the Church, and they will pray over and anoint with oil in the name of the Lord. The Lord will raise him up and, if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven. ...The fervent prayers of a righteous person is very powerful.

We've been given the gift of more time with this person. Don't wait until last minute to call for a priest when someone you love may be dying! Thanks again all.
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Deacon Dennis Purificacion
Prayers requested for a serious intention.
(With all due respect, "vibes and thoughts" do not have the power that prayer does. Prayers to God please. Thanks!)

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