04 August 2016

Demon Manifested Itself During Deliverance Prayers

Sorry this is vague.  But I want to protect the person's identity. 

I also want to protect the integrity of the process, while raising awareness of the reality of the increase in demonic activity around us.

Today, I had a person who asked me for help renounce certain spirits and pray to Christ in thanksgiving.  I happened to be vested in my deacon vestments for another matter I took care of before this encounter.

We discussed the point of entry.  I asked if it was a certain spirit among others that I listed.

When the person said yes to a certain name I mentioned for it, there was a strong evil presence that briefly startled me.  I thought of Jesus which calmed me.

I then cried for the person for that person's hurt.  (This has happened before with others such as a young nun that a 3-member deliverance team prayed over back when I was being trained.)  This person I was praying over today then laughed a hard evil laugh which was a second manifestation and then again later for a third manifestation.  I invoked Christ to free this person.  We said more deliverance prayers using the Name of Jesus.  I also asked the person's patron saint at Confirmation to help us.

Non-exorcists (like me) are forbidden from inter-locutioning (speaking) with evil spirits.  Only exorcists delegated by the bishop are permitted to do so.  But there are certain prayers that can and should be used.  One need not be ordained to pray them. 

(Note: Deliverance ministry is not the Sacrament of Reconciliation where the priest has the authority to absolve mortal sins and remove them from the soul.  A soul in mortal sin during death is damned.  Also, deliverance ministry is not the solemn Rite of Exorcism which is done by an exorcist delegated by the bishop.)

I also physically touched after asking permission and prayed over certain physical entry points where the demon resided.

Again, I'm sorry to be so vague or my thoughts so choppy. 

The person was not possessed, based on previous meeting sessions with others who prayed over this person.  I followed the regimen recommended by those before me who did this.

More follow up sessions to follow on my part.  I ask in charity you say a prayer for this. 

My training at a conference was very helpful in combating this evil, so that the methods used were consistent with the Church's practice.

Later, I realized it was the Feast of St. John Vianney.  St. John Vianney, pray for us!


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