18 March 2016

Young Married Couples Breaking Bread group

There were 2 things from a Pope and the Bible that I shared on a conversation about spreading the Gospel to married young adults last night:

1.) Pope Emeritus Benedict said that there is a crisis today in that the Church has lost her missionary zeal.

It's as though Catholics today do not see a need to evangelize.

Missionaries during the 16th Century saw the urgent need to baptize people, but Catholics today seem to think that people can go to heaven without baptism. 

In some sense, this may be true [if a person that has not heard the Gospel and follows his conscience, but Catholics seem to think that means we do not need to evangelize].

2) If a person is in sin, and I do not say anything, God says, "I will hold you accountable."  But if you do say something then God will hold that person (not you) accountable.

This is from the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel.

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