07 March 2016

Rite of Committal After Funeral Mass With My Son Helping Me

Permission to use photo courtesy of Wilson John Catubig, Jr.

All Souls Catholic Cemetery, Vallejo, CA
Mon., March 7, 2016
A dear friend asked me and my son to participate in his grandmother's funeral.  
The husband (in the wheelchair) was married to Fely (the deceased) for 62 years!  I'd love to make it to half of that with my wife.  Also, in Fely's obituary, she was faithful to attending Sunday Mass every week.  For some reason, this delighted my heart to hear of this. 
The last time my son and I served together was another Funeral Mass in Nov. 2015, four months ago.
Fr. Jess, who preached the homily, noted how Fely was a teacher that studied English at the University of San Thomas like his own mom.  This caught my attention, as I myself started my career as a teacher before entering administration.  After Fr. Jess said this, from my deacon's bench where I was sitting, I looked at my friend, Sean, who is also a teacher of the faith, and we smiled at each other.  And we understood this significance.
I was also privileged to do the Rite of Committal from the Order of Christian Funerals and proclaim the Gospel at the Funeral Mass.  My son was by my side through it all.
It's said that nobody does funerals better than the Catholic Church.  With all due respect to other religions, this is true.  I have yet to see something better in the history of humanity.  Not only are the funeral rites of the Church spiritually efficacious for the soul after death, but it is also strength for the next of kin that remain on earth.  Nothing surpasses the power of just one Holy Mass.
My wife was asked to sing "Salve Regina" while the casket was being lowered.  After the casket was lowered, and as everyone walked to their cars to go to the reception, I asked my son to spread the extra remaining holy water around the grounds and on the tombstones for any souls in purgatory.

I also helped get some jumper cables for a family that was stranded at the cemetery before leaving.

Thank you, Fely, for your witness!
+ Eternal rest grant unto the soul of Fely, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.  May she rest in peace.  Amen.

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