01 March 2016

Santa Rosa Chancery

Before my trip up to Eureka for the annual Rite of Election, I took a picture with the family who got to see Bishop Vasa.  They were dropping me off for my trip.  Bishop Vasa did the long drive, even after I insisted on driving him.
(Spring 2014)

St. Eugene's Cathedral, Santa Rosa, Rite of Election 2014 (used with permission from Diocese of Santa Rosa)

The bishop asked me to temporarily substitute 3 periods of 11th grade religion classes at Cardinal Newman High School in Spring 2014 until a teacher was appointed (used with permission from Diocese of Santa Rosa).

(used with permission from Diocese of Santa Rosa.

(used with permission from Diocese of Santa Rosa)

Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress 2014 Welcome Remarks (used with permission from Diocese of Santa Rosa).

I snuck a photo of the bishop before the Post-Communion Prayer during morning Mass.

Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress 2015 Welcome Remarks (used with permission from Diocese of Santa Rosa).

Photo credit: Martin van Tassel (adult student in diocesan formation program)

Dr. John Collins, Superintendent of Schools, and I used this picture as our chancery working theme.

* * *

This is actually a picture I had taken from my phone when I worked at the Diocese of Oakland.
To my right is the Superintendent of Schools.  We are with school principals and teachers.

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