03 March 2016

20-Yr. Reunion w/Classmate-Turned-Bishop

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

As I do with any bishop, I kissed his episcopal ring. 
But a fraternal hug only seemed to matter to him.

We were not just a bishop and a deacon.
My wife said, "You hugged like brothers."
The last time I saw him in person was 20 years ago at the University of San Francisco.
I blogged about my college memories and future predictions for him HERE.

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com
Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

My wife does a "mano po" to the new bishop by taking his hand and placing it on her forehead.

With roots in the SF Bay Area where there is a heavy concentration of Filipino Catholics, Bishop Lopes knew about this.
Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

Filipino Catholics "mano po" their clergy, parents and elderly to ask for a blessing.

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com
Bishop Lopes greeted my son, "Hello, John Paul," and kids.

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

My spiritually-tough-as-nails-Ph.D.-wife wanted to tell this Vatican official about her work as President of the Maris Stella Institute.

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

"Our help is in the name of the Lord..."
"...who made heaven and earth."

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com
 A blessing from a Successor of the Apostles

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

Photo by Jay Balza
blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

Family w/Sr. Ignatius Marie from USF

I did not know that Jay Balza was taking pictures.
Thank you, Jay, for permission to use these.
On Jay's right is Bishop William Justice, Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco.

Jay's blog @ sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.com

My family poses with my former boss (when I worked in the Oakland Chancery many years ago).

Tove Ann speaks w/Archbishop Cordileone, the "Lion Heart" of the City of St. Francis.

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