18 September 2015

Women's Cursillo Talk Followed By My Father-Daughter Dance


Thank you note from Women's Cursillo rectora, Sis. Helen

If you are a woman who has been away from God, then this invitation back to Him was meant for you:

The tone is deliberately slower, meditative, non-judgmental, gentle, non-preachy, and focuses on the mercy of the Father specifically for women.

The three themes were: (1) the misery of sin, (2) radical conversion, (3) the mercy of the Father.

* * *

I gave the meditation around 9pm or so.  Then, I went home. 

My 1.5 year old daughter, Faith Marie, wasn't feeling good.  It took about 2-3 hours to put her to sleep.  I re-heated some soup that my wife made.  I put lemon in it.  She liked it.

Then, she fell asleep on my shoulder.  She fell asleep to this song by Luther Vandross called Dance With My Father.

I thought of the mercy of the Father that I had spoken of a few hours ago.  I thought of the Father.  I thought of how I shared in His Fatherhood.

I know I blogged about this before with my other children.  This one is for Faith Marie.

Perhaps she will read this when she is older.

It is fitting that the Women's Cursillo talk was on the mercy of the Father and that I spent time with my daughter.

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