16 September 2015

Loving the Fight

I had a karate instructor once talk about a guy who took a hit on his face, then looked at the guy that hit him, and smiled.

Having been at the service of the Church for 25 was, I have endured much for the Faith.  In God's eyes and compared with the merits of the Cross, they are minuscule, but humanly speaking it can demoralize to see the Church devastated, patrticilrly by those that have infiltrated her....the wolves in sheep's clothing.

Today, I felt a surge of apostolic zeal that I felt when I first fell in love with the Faith.  As Lt. Dak Raltar said to Luke Skywalker, "Right now, I feel like I can take on the whole Empire myself."

As a holy bishop once said, "You have to love the fight."

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