14 September 2015

"Beautiful Wife Drawing" (9/13/15)

I drew this on a napkin at Rubio's in Vallejo.  We were waiting for soft tacos for the adults and cheese quesadillas for the kids.  I later got Cold Stone Ice Cream for the family.

For some reason, this picture that I drew -- while impatiently waiting for our food -- seems to evoke a certain emotion in me about my wife.  Yes, I stared at her, kind of like how a guy would in the movies.

A song was playing in the background.  I don't remember it.

So here she herself drew.  I drew.  The kids drew something.

Perhaps, had our food arrived earlier, I would not have drawn this.  It was a blessing disguise.

I call it "Beautiful Wife Drawing".

The title is also a play on words.  "Drawing" can be either a noun or a verb.  At first, it was meant to be a verb.  But it can also be a noun.

She looked down at her own drawing.

But I looked at her.

I drew this.

Now that I posted this picture, I wish I had taken a photo, too.
But that's okay.  This drawing captures what I need.  Her eyes could have looked down a little more here.
This is what she was drawing while I drew her.  Hers is on the left.

She was drawing daddy and mommy and our 5 kids.

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