This is Vallejo's first African American police officer, Officer Alfred Robinson.
His photo hangs in VPD Headquarters. His son followed in his footsteps. I took a photo of this after stopping by the station today for a bit.
That was part of my day. Here's a snapshot of the rest of it from morning to night. Names generally withheld.
After waking up in the morning, I checked in with the wife and kids. Mass is the center of our day so wanted to make sure we did this, and today we also planned for Confession.
Then, I stopped by St. Catherine's Church to help set up for 11 baptisms. I wasn't administering the baptisms, just helping to set up. I noticed someone praying in church while I was setting up. He was deep in contemplation. I remember saying to myself as I walked by how I wish I was like this guy peacefully praying. But it did remind me to ground social action and works of charity in prayer.
We ran into each other a few minutes later. I found out he was an MP who served in Vietnam. He showed me a black and white photo of him, and I asked him to send it to me and he gave me permission to use it. I didn't want to post it here just yet. I shook his hand and thanked him for his service. We chatted, and then I met up with my family for a bit to be strengthen by the Holy Eucharist.
Afterwards, I spoke to a few members in the community who wanted to talk to me and unload the negative things they see around them. Greeted a mom whose son is SWAT and who said to me thank you for the Blue Mass for them. Most of the people in the community who talk to me are not Catholics or my religious, social or ethnic tradition. Reminds me of the business owner who the day before shared several crimes with me on her block (infant death, attempted murder, vandalism, robberies, shootings, etc.), and so I later put on my stole and prayed the "Order of Blessing for a Victim of Crime" for multiple victims at the first now-former crime scene, then blessed the neighborhood and area with Holy Water, and asked God to heal the trauma and the person imprisoned. Business owner welcomed it, along with a worker on break who shared the Scriptures with me and said thank you for asking Jesus to stop the demons in that neighborhood. I find some people in the community want to talk as if they are unburdening themselves when I wear my field jacket on duty. These are traumatic moments that need healing.
Later, a fire truck waved to me on my way out. Then helped an elderly couple load their car with some heavy items but got some of the dust on me that I had to clean up later; lady was from India and said her son is serving in the U.S. Navy, and she said thank you to the officers. Wanted to clear some debris off the road but after I turned around for it someone had already done it. I made the Sign of the Cross multiple times over first response vehicles or accidents when I see them throughout the day for protection and healing.
Later at the station, I spoke with a few Officers and Dispatchers. And then took that photo you see above. Thank you for your support of the good that is done by them.
When I got home to take a little break, I received a request for a chaplain from an Officer for a woman that died. It was the second such dispatch for me to receive lately. When I arrived in the chaplain car, I was briefed by the Officer and ministered to the family and friends in the usual manner as trained. Please say a prayer for those involved.
'Went to Confession with family later and made sure family rosary was done as well as family meal (which was prepped by daughter this evening), went jogging for a bit, and then usual family life time (talking about school lessons, bathing younger boys, household chores, etc.). I think deacon wives need to be saintly women because my wife, Tove Ann, is really the heart of the family which allows us, in turn, to give that love to others in need.
'Completed written report to lead chaplain.
I think I'm pretty much ready for my homilies at 2 Sunday Masses tomorrow (10am & 12pm) but need to polish it tonight still. I used to have 1500-2000 people at 2-3 Mssses before the lockdowns a couple of years ago, but now those numbers are reduced. Sunday Gospel is on praying always. I admit, I am behind on my prayer time as I write this, so I really need to get to it after I publish this web log.
God, family, work, that order that are mutually beneficial to each other. One strengthens the other.
Those are some of the things I can remember at the end of this day as I write this. Im sure I forgot some other things while leaving other things confidential and known only to God. I consecrate and entrust this day to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Thank you for your time. Please continue to support any good our First Responders do and remember to pray for them.
Very Respectfully,
Dennis Purificacion
Police Chaplain
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