23 October 2022

Daughter Asked Me About My Favorite Saint; Gratitude

My 6 year old daughter asked me, "Tatay, who is your favorite saint?"

I said, "After Mama Mary, Pope John Paul II."

She replied, "Me, too."

I said, "Is Padre Pio yours?"

"Uh-huh, and so is St. Therese," she replied.

I then said, "Actually, a married saint is St. Louis [Martin], father of St. Therese.  He was the father of nine, like me..."

(Part of her name is Therese.)

"...except some of his kids died.  We lost 2 in a miscarriage."


"And another married saint is St. Lorenzo Ruiz.  He had three kids."

"I heard of him," she said. 

"He's my Confirmation saint."

Thank you, God.

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