29 January 2018

Homily #119: "Loyal Guardian Angels v. Fallen Angels (Opening & Closing Doors to Demonic Spirits)"

[my former high school student now Officer Jesse Apolonio (SP-SV 2004)]

Sunday, 5pm Mass

Sunday, 8am

This was the first time that I did not have a  prepared text for a Sunday homily (in 3.5 yrs).  I just used notes, so you'll notice that it is longer than usual.  I didn't have a prepared text b/c my family was in the middle of moving to a different part of town.

I chose the picture above b/c I tend to recommend the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel to people but esp. to former students who are now police officers and military.  St. Michael is their patron.  We are proud of Jesse's service!

I used the 5 steps of the Ecclesial Method to draft my notes:

1.) Preparation: Story of how Pope Leo XIII wrote St. Michael Prayer 
2.) Proclamation: Jesus the Teacher has authority even over the fallen spirits (4th Sun. of O.T.).
3.) Explanation: (a) Jesus in the Gospel of Mark (b) Guardian Angels (c) Disobedient Angels
4.) Application: Guardian Angel Prayer & Deliverance Ministry (opening doors to demonic)
5.) Celebration: Angels at Mass & Power of Blessed Virgin Mary

Sat., 5pm

Adapted for Sun., 2pm CSM Mass

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