15 July 2017

Vallejo Deacon Candidate Observed Me Baptize 11 Precious Babies (w/Homily #91 Using 'Lion King' Movie)

Casey Walker is from St. Basil's Catholic Church in Vallejo.  A call was put out in our deanery for deacons willing to have deacon candidates observe them in real liturgical settings. 

So I replied and invited some over.  So many people have helped me when I was a deacon candidate, and I would not be where I am today without them.  This was my little way to return the help.

Homily #91
"Baptism, Christology & the 'Lion King' Movie"

Ed Dadis was a senior when I taught at St. Pat's High School.
It is a joy when I see former high school students.

I've been blessed to have baptized a total of 55 souls for the Kingdom of Heaven these past 3 years.

These are just the first names -- the baptism names -- of the 11 today
(the name Aiden seemed popular):

Chayce Ryder
Aiden Alexander
Brooklyn Taylor
Madison Anne
Adriel Kyle
Lee Xander
Lucio Andreo
Jeremiah Aiden
Nyxon Aiden

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