02 July 2017

Baptizing My Former High School Student's Baby Son

I was blessed and privileged to have baptized Meliza's and Paul's son.  Thank you for this gift, Meliza and Paul!

Someone recorded an audio of the actual baptism where I said the solemn words, "Ryan Noa, I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

This was the 44th baptism for me to administer.  It is also the 3rd baby of a former high school student for me to baptize.

The day was filled with teaching, preaching, and baptizing.

At the Mass, before the Baptism, I cried during the Responsorial Pslam.  "Forever I will sing the goodnesss of the Lord." 
(photo by Mike Huttula)

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