30 July 2017

Catholics Called to Accept All Church Teaching on Faith & Morals-- Catholic Teaching & the Pearl of Great Price (Homily #92)

Catholics Called to Accept All Church Teaching on Faith & Morals:

Catholic Teaching & the Pearl of Great Price (Homily #92)

The movie, Lord of the Rings, is based on the novel by J.R.R. Tolkein.  All the characters throughout this 6-hour movie are focused on one little-bitty ring.  Everything centers upon this one ring.  The ring consumes the characters, up until the end of their lives.  Nothing matters more than the little ring.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses a parable of a little pearl of great price.  This pearl is so precious that it is the only thing the business merchant cares about.  The pearl is the merchant’s priority in life.  Everything about the merchant’s choices revolves around the pearl of great price. 

But whether a ring from a movie, or the parable of the pearl of great price, the point is that everything about our lives should be focused on the Kingdom of God. 

So what is this pearl?  The pearl of great price is everything about person and teachings of Jesus that have come to us through His holy Catholic Church.  Her teachings are His own.  She is the Mystical Body of Christ on earth.  Like a marriage, the two are one flesh.  Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, said that one cannot talk about Jesus alone separately from the body of believers—the Church.

The Second Vatican Council, in its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium taught that the Kingdom of God is the very person of Jesus Christ.  The Kingdom is his very person and his teachings.  Vatican II also taught that Kingdom of God is lived concretely in the person and teachings of the Bride of Christ, the Church.  In the mystery of the rosary, the Announcement of the Kingdom of God through parables and miracles is called the  3rd Mystery of Light.  Thus, the pearl of great price is the great gift of our Christian faith.  Everything about our lives should be formed by the teachings of Christ and His Church.

In the First Reading from the First Book of Kings, it is written that when King Solomon asked God for a gift, Solomon could have chosen any worldly or material things.  But God was pleased that Solomon asked, “Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart, to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong” (1 Kgs. 3).  Solomon is known for the gift of wisdom, the highest of the gifts, and understanding.  These spiritual gifts were Solomon’s pearl of great price. 

When God asks us today what gifts we seek, our response should be like the Responsorial Psalm: “Lord, I love your commands.”  Psalm 119: “The law of your mouth is to me more precious than thousands of gold and silver pieces.”  “Lord, I love your commands.”  “…your law is my delight.”  “Lord, I love your commands.”  “For in all your precepts I go forward; every false [action] I hate.”  “Lord, I love your commands.”  Here, God’s teachings, commands & laws should be our joyful pearl: “Wonderful are your decrees; therefore, I observe them.”

God’s law as proclaimed officially by the universal Church is protected from error.  The Church’s teachings are protected from error in both faith and morality.  Catholics are called to accept all the Church teachings as divinely revealed by God.  All that has been revealed by God through His Church are necessary for our salvation; that is to say, are necessary to go to Heaven.  The Church’s teachings on faith and morals are a great pearl, even when they sometimes appear to be difficult.

If there are areas of the Church’s teaching where we are having difficulty, let this Gospel be an opportunity of conversion back to the truth.  And here’s a saint to challenge us today, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, about sacrifices needed to love the pearl.  The great St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who was known to have experienced what mystical theology calls the “Dark Night of the Soul,” once said the following.  And I paraphrase this saintly woman of the poorest of the poor:

When one denies one essential teaching of the Church, it is not that one has most of the Faith, or part of the Faith, or even little Faith, but it is rather that one has no Faith.  [repeat?]  Mother Theresa is saying that if God through His Church is considered to be wrong on one little area, then one basically is saying that God through His Church could be wrong on other areas of faith & morals. 

To help us in our weakness, let us look at the Gospel acclamation for guidance, “Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; for you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.”  To accept all of the Church’s teaching (and in a sense, even the discipline of the Church in canon law), to accept the mysteries of the Kingdom which is the expensive pearl of great price, we should be humble like little children.  Little children who trustingly and lovingly and even joyfully do what their merciful Father asks of them.  They say, “Lord, I love your commands.”   

As we profess our faith in the Creed with our lips in a few moments, let us ponder the pearl that is our Faith.  May the pearl of the Sacraments, like the Eucharist, Confession, Matrimony, Baptism & Confirmation, help us.  With Mary as the Mother of this community, let us love her Son who is Himself the Pearl of Great Price.   “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.  When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”

25 July 2017

My 43rd Bday & 14th Wedding Anniversary

(14 years of married life)
Mary, the Woman of the Wedding in Cana, is in the background here. 
We go to her whenever we "run out of wine" so that she can bring our "water jugs" to Jesus.

started w/Sunday visit to All Souls Cemetery (Sunday, July 23, day before bday)

Mama Helen's gravesite w/new headstone 

taking family photo w automatic timer on cell phone 

Baby Hope kissing her mom and kissing grandma's headstone 

+ Eternal rest grant unto Helen, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.

May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

around midnight (Monday, July 24)

I opened birthday cards from kids. 
Mariana drew her desire to receive First Holy Communion.

I don't know why, but it looks like I'm eating pizza in the drawing.

JP bought me a "head flashlight device".
My wife said I looked like that guy from "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,"
but I said, "Oh, no, I look like U.S. Special Forces, baby." 

We went to sleep, and then I had breakfast in bed.
I had the day off of work.

Family made me eggs, meatballs, and oatmeal. 

Someone recommended that I try the Liturgy of the Hours in the 1960 version.
It was my first time.  Definitely a lot longer.
I was praying the Magnificat when midnight struck.
I only had the discipline to do this in Latin for a week-- went back to the vernacular (English).

We attended the 12pm Mass at St. John's in Napa.
At some point afterwards, Tove Ann wanted to get Cold Stone for me to blow out candles.
Thank you, Mom and Papa Hardie, for the Cold Stone gift cards! 

 Here was my birthday cake.

singing Happy Birthday

My mom affectionately calls my hair "salt and pepper."
Yup, I'm aging.  You know, all good things in the material order come to an end.
Even if one were strong enough to live 70 or 80 or 90 years or even to have 25 or 50 or 75 years of marriage, human life ends...it is very short, so serve God now.  Don't wait until the deathbed 'cause it might be too late to change by then.  I am grateful for what I've been given.

John Paul testing the new stick. 
My mom gave me this stick many Christmases ago, but we finally opened it. 

More 14th Anniversary photos/blogs HERE.

We went to the 12pm Mass on Monday, July 24, at St. Rose of Lima in Crockett.  I had the day off.
Here's a photo of my hot --oops, I mean, my lovely -- wife. 

Parents gave us cards for Red Lobster.  Here I am opening cards from my kids.

My sister and new husband, Joey (wearing waist harness), came with my Mom and Papa Hardie to drop off a new washer and dryer.  Papa Hardie couldn't help physically b/c of an injury.  Our old ones broke....I was spending quarters at the local laundry place for a few months until they came to the rescue.

My nephew, Braxton, with my wife.  I was asked to baptize him on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017.  What a cutie baby!!!

We then went to Taco Bell b/c the kids asked for it.

My dad and Mama Tess stopped by a week or so later to celebrate my birthday.  Rubio's is Mama Tess's favorite.  A video is below of us singing "Happy Birthday".

Grandpa gave the kids some $.

We coincidentally ran into Lauren Keilani and her family on the road, after lunch w/Dad.  
They pulled over, and we were able to give Lauren her belated graduation gift.
I was her Confirmation sponsor.

wife pointed out to me that I should have spelled like this: "Jeepney"
my sister-in-law, Stephanie Jane (I've called her "Stef" for years.)

Hope has that piece of hair over her face, like her mommy.

Sang HB to JP b/c my father-in-law wanted to take us to KFC-- "finger licking' good"!

He got a camera as a present.

My sister, Michelle, stopped by around the same month.  Here she is sitting with some of the kids during Mass.  We had a do a last-minute switcheroo with our Mass schedule and brunch, and Michelle understood, due to a change in my deacon schedule.  I told her, "This is sometimes what happens as a deacon," and she said that she understood.  I love you, sister!!

On another day, my Mom and Papa Hardie stopped by a took us to McD's.