26 January 2017

Essay Contest Submission of My 11-Year-Old Son

ESSAY #2 of 3

Serving as an Altar Server

            The most influential moment to me last year was when I was commissioned as an Altar

server at Saint Catherines church. Being an Altar Server is a great privilege for me,  because I

am able to help the clergy during Mass. I get to help with things that are needed for the Mass.

And I can join in the procession and the recessional.

            An Altar server is a lay person who helps the priest or the deacon during Mass. Altar

servers help before, during, and after Mass, but most of the time, during Mass. Altar servers are

needed to be trained so they could do their best when serving.

             What I do as an altar server is, on a Sunday Mass, 15-10 minutes before Mass, I

would be setting the bells, lighting the candles if they are not lit. During Mass, holding the missal

for the priest, holding the candles during the gospel reading, washing the hands of the priest,

ringing the bells during the consecration, and leading the priest with everyone else during the

precession and the recessional. After Mass, I would be, putting the bells away, blowing out the 

candles, putting the missal away, and most inportantly, saying thanksgiving prayer.

            When I am serving at the Altar as an Altar server, it makes me feel encouaged to serve.

The more I do it, I get the better I get. When I am about to serve, I feel excited to

serve. I get more excited to serve on a Saturday or Sunday Mass because I having to be doing

more actions are required. When I serve, I usually like serving with my friends.

ESSAY #1 of 3


            Jesus has been the biggest influence in my life. Because I pray to Jesus and he

helped me. Jesus through his priests hears my confession and gives me his Body and

Blood, so I could be holy. He helps us understand the Ten Commandments and having

Sunday as a Holy Day. He also tells us the Two Great Commandments which are: 1. Love

the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strenghth. 2. Love your

neighvor as yourself.

 The Commandments 1-3 are about loving God.

            If I follow the Two Great Commandments, I may also be following the 10

Commandments. The Ten Commandments are:

1. I am the Lord Your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.

2. You shall not take the Lord your God in vain.

3. Remenber to kke the Sabbath Holy.

The Commandments 4-10 are about loving neighbor.

4. Honor your Father and Mother.

5. You shall not kill.

6. You shall not commit adulter.

7. You shall not steal.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

            The Commandments talk about not Just about what is says but it also talks about

smaller sins. For an example. The Commandment #5 says not to kill. Killing is a big sin

or a mortal sin. But it also means not to hurt any body which is a smaller sin. Or not to

steal, also meaning not to cheat as a smaller sin. Stealing may not be a mortal sin but it

would if it is serious.


            If any of the Commandments are not obayed. They have been violated ether with a

venial sin, (which is not serious) or a mortal sin. (which is serious) If a person commited

a mortal sin, it must have three condistions done in order for it to be a mortal sin. The

three are: 1. It has to be a serious sin. 2. The person doing knows it is a mortal sin. 3. If

the person know that it is a mortal sin, and the person still does it, it is a mortal sin.

            Without the Ten Commandments, I would be doing a lot of bad things. But it is

not just me, it would be everyone. The Ten Commandment are like rules in a country or a

nation. If someone disobays or violates a rule, it has done somthing bad, and commited a

sin if the rule is good. The same thing happens with the Ten Commandments. If someone

disobays any of the Ten Commandments, the person not only did something bad, but also 

committed a sin. Rules could be in a county, state, city, and a household. These are a few

reasons why the Ten Commandments and other good rules are important.

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