06 January 2017

My Email to a Spiritual Friend About St. André Bessette, St. Joseph, and Joy During Mass

i just had to tell you

today I assisted at the 745am Mass.  I think your mom was there but am not sure

normally I don't prepare the Roman Missal for the priest but today I did

after the Sign of the Cross, I scrambled to find the Collect (Opening Prayer), and I ended up turning to Bl. Andre Bassat(sp?) instead of the other Collect which is normally used during [an optional] memorial feast

anyway, when Father described Bl. Andre, he said that Bl. Andre had great devotion to St. Joseph! 

and that made me smile.

you and I were just talking about St. Joseph

soooooo....when it came turn for me to lead the Penitential Rite, I was so happy....

I did it w such joy (even while I was somewhat sleepy)

...and then I was so happy during the entire Mass (as I proclaimed the Gospel, Prayers of the Faithful, etc.).

...all b/c of St. Joseph

...so thank you!

I think I'm gonna blog about this later.

if you come across anything else about St. Joseph, let me know
(in another email to another friend of mine, he asked for prayers for employment, and I referred him to St. Joseph

...so thanks again!

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