03 April 2015

Good Friday Reflection on "Today, You Will Be With Me in Paradise"

PhilHouse (formerly Pinoy Pinay), Vallejo

Good Friday
April 3, 2015

“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."

How can someone who is in some state of suffering or agony still be happy or blessed?  How does someone endure sacrifices, agonizing moments or at its most extreme example, how does one endure even a terminal illness?

Many of us know someone who is in the middle of suffering and agony.  We ourselves may be experiencing this right now.  We are not just carrying our Cross, but we are on it.

And during these times of agony on our Cross, we will take either one of two attitudes in our hearts.  We will either move away from God or move closer to God.  There is no middle ground. 

We are either like the bad thief or the good thief.  In our sufferings, let us not be like the bad thief who mocked and cursed Jesus while dying and suffering. 

Let us rather, be converted and moved to repentance and grow closer to God while suffering.  Let our hearts be moved to deeper conversion to God and say, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 

We suffer for love!  This is the Christian meaning of human suffering.  Suffering and pain are not meaningless or useless.  Like the good thief, our suffering becomes redemptive. 

Jesus the Suffering Servant modeled the true meaning of service and kingship.  The Cross is Jesus’s throne.  The Lamb of God is seated on the throne of his Cross. As true God and true man, Jesus combines human suffering with divine love.  His Kingdom is revealed only when raised high on a Cross (Catechism #440).  Our King Jesus rules through sacrificial service and love.

You and I, in our sufferings and trials of life for Him, let us too be seated on the throne of our Crosses. 

I have a dear friend from India who told me the story of her mother as she lay dying.  (My friend is a parishioner at one of our local parishes.)  Her mother kept mumbling some inaudible words over and over.  The doctor or nurse put their ear close to her mother’s mouth to hear what she was saying.  My friend’s mother was heard saying very softly over and over and over, “Praise God.  Thank you, God.  Praise God.  Thank you, God.”

She was not cursing God for her sufferings he sent to her…. but rather praising Him instead!  And glorifying Him from her Cross united to Him!  Let us glorify God who is seated on His Cross with our sufferings done out of love.

As we prepare for the Adoration of the Cross, come, let us adore the Cross on which hung the Salvation of world that died for you and me….kiss the Cross with profound love and as much love as you can muster in your heart.  Let us not just go through the motions, but let our lips match our heart.  For when you kiss His Cross today, you are kissing yours as well. 

Thank your King for what He did for you.  Let us not be the bad thief who mocked Jesus as he was dying.  But let us be the good thief in our agony and say, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

Let the good thief’s words be our prayer, too, so that Jesus Our King from His Cross…. to you and me on our Cross will say those blessed words to you (through your kiss), "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."

 I was asked to be the deacon for the Solemn Intercessions and the Adoration of the Cross.  I chanted all the parts.  As this was my first time as deacon, I was nervous.  But I think it turned out fine in the end.

After the Good Friday services, my Mom and Papa Hardie joined my family at a local restaurant.

These photos are out of order, but they give you an idea of the day:

Baby holding her Ate's St. Therese doll

Outdoor Stations of the Cross w/family
The Showing of the Holy Cross
Selfie w/Mom

I chanted the 10 Solemn Intercessions, along with "Let us kneel.  Let us stand."

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