31 October 2014

3rd Attempt to Chant (Intone) Gospel

At the 10am Mass on September 28, 2014, I attempted to chant the Gospel.  The main purpose was to "test run" how it would go with the Auxiliary Bishop present later at the 12pm Mass.

Boy, I'm sure glad that I did it at the 10am instead of at the 12pm!

With the way I was trained, it was mono-tone with a drop in note at the very end of a significant paragraph.  I've done it before twice without being nervous, but this time it was evident that I was nervous.  And I'm not sure why.

Part of me thinks that the people are not used to it.  Another part of me thinks that it was because it was a packed church that was standing room with a seating capacity of 750+ parishioners or so.  Perhaps it was simply the fact that it was a long Gospel, and I do better with shorter Gospels.  In any event, it was a lesson in humility.

The first time I saw it done was by an African-American deacon at the Vatican on TV.  That left an impression on me, and at the time I was a teenager. 

I also want to see if I can chant or intone other parts of the liturgy proper to the deacon like at a Good Friday service or the Easter Vigil.

The first time I did it, which you can see HERE, I was fine.  The second time, which I did in the Byzantine rite when I visited Father Anthony's parish (as seen HERE), I was for the most part fine, too.

I had a mixed reaction from the parishioners.  Some told me that I was nervous while others told me to continue.  Well, I am new after all.  It's truly a learning process.

I will continue to learn.

May God be blessed in all things!


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