15 October 2014

JP: "We Will Serve as Father & Son"

"We Will Serve as Father & Son": Deacon's Son's 1st Day of Training as an Altar Boy

Today was a big day for my son, John Paul.  A transitional deacon who will be ordained to the priesthood next week gave him his first training day as an altar boy.

The idea came from my son himself. I plan to post pictures later and say more, too.

The main comment here is what he said when I found out that the soon-to-be priest was interested in training him in both the Ordinary Form and the Extraordinary Form as well as with Benediction.

During dinner, I said that it would be awesome if John Paul learned Benediction since permanent deacons can do Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament.  My son said -- and my heart is deeply moved as I blog this -- that we would together "serve as father and son".

That's my boy!

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