06 March 2022

Rite of Election 2022

Photo of me with 2 Santa Rosa deacons

I am grateful to the Almighty that I have been able to direct a Diocesan Rite of Election.  

This is where the local bishop formally gathers with the new incoming Catholics of his diocese who will be initiated at the Easter Vigil.

For Santa Rosa, this is my 8th weekend (16th time since this is done twice in one weekend).  We skipped 2021.  For Oakland, I directed it on 3 years at 4 locations (12 times).  This means that this a total of 11 years (or my 28th time) overseeing an annual Diocesan Rite of Election.  

As my wife reminds me, I am blessed to be part of welcoming new Catholic converts into the Catholic Church.

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