03 March 2022

10 Cops From 5 Law Enforcement Depts.

'Spoke to 10 police officers and 1 support staff recently.  Prayed with 2 of them.  'Helped with recruitment of a new potential officer for another.  Another thanked me, while I thanked him.  'Shook hands with a few of them who were happy to see me.  One stuck out in particular but will keep that confidential.  Some called me chaplain.  A female cop just watched me while I shook her partner's hand. Others spoke more alot to me. Another I helped guide to something he was looking for.  Made the Sign of the Cross over 2 of the officers' badges.  I entrust all of them to the Blessed Mother's Heart.  They were a very diverse group of cops.  None were the same from the others.  All had one goal: to serve and protect the public. 

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