01 November 2021

Served By Listening During VPD DOJ Listening Session

I attended a VPD DOJ listening session this evening, as part of my chaplain-deacon ministry.  About 50-60 were in attendance.  

One of my former students from high school, Charles, was in attendance and sent me a message and said hello.  We joked around with each other for a bit and exchanged emails.  He said he wants to bridge a gap between VPD and the community.  

Then, for my small breakout group (Group 2), I didn't talk.  Someone else moderated.  One of my former high school students, a VPD officer, was mentioned during the breakout.  There were alot of critical comments about VPD.  

This evening, I simply listened to everyone's comments.  And that's how I serviced law enforcement chaplaincy and the citizens of Vallejo this evening.  

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