As part of my deacon ministry, I serve as a police chaplain for Vallejo PD.
The official appointment date was May 18, 2021.
I informed the parish lay leaders, my work, and my family, before announcing it here on my personal social network on July 4.
I do chaplaincy as time allows. Before, during and after formation, my life priorities (in this order) have been: God, family, work, ministry. That is how my wife and I try to balance commitments. So this form of service to the margins is somewhat the same as before.
Below are some other statements that were sent out already.
Thank you and may God bless you and our city.
Happy 245th birthday, America!
God mend thine every flaw. /
Confirm thy soul in self control. / Thy liberty in law.
For Jesus and Mary.
14 June 2021
Dear Pastoral Council,
I'd like to share some developments with you.
Last year (July 2020), as part of my evaluation meeting with my Diaconate Review Board, I was invited to pursue police chaplaincy as part of my diaconate ministry. They said there was a need and call for deacons to serve in this way, and so they asked me to step forward.
I told them that I would need to discern serving in this capacity but would need to also scale back on current duties at the parish while serving as a chaplain. I would still be assigned to St. Catherine's, esp for weekend Masses, but my main duties during the week outside weekend Masses would shift toward chaplaincy.
After a year of discernment, training and conversation with the Vallejo Police Department, I have informed the Diocese that I have accepted its invitation to serve as a volunteer chaplain. I will start with 6-12 months for now and then evaluate the process. I've already passed an extensive background check (which checked me as far back as age 15) and completed basic and advanced training for this. So as far as the Vallejo Police Department is concerned, I am ready to start with them.
Thank you, dear brothers and sisters. Even though you won't see me as much during the week, I hope this change will reflect well on St. Catherine's in the wider community. One of the tasks I'd like to do is help recruit more priests and deacons to police chaplaincy in our area. VPD said, at this time, they asked for a deacon because the priests tend to be transferred in and out of Vallejo while the deacons are more stable and stick around in the community over the years. But I still plan to recruit more priests.
I have learned how having a team of deacons at a parish is a gift, so I am grateful to all of you for this opportunity to share me even more with others. Salamat po y mil gracias a todos!
A fellow servant,
Deacon Dennis
Chaplain Dennis Purificacion was
ordained a Catholic deacon in 2014 for the Sacramento Diocese and is assigned
to St. Catherine's Church in Vallejo. He completed Advanced P.O.S.T.
Chaplain Academy training and holds a Basic Credential from the International
Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC). Professionally, Chaplain
Purificacion is a religious education administrator for the Santa Rosa
Diocese. He previously worked as staff at Cal Maritime, and he was a
multiple award-winning teacher (nicknamed "Mr. P.") at St.
Patrick-St. Vincent High School. He also served as Adult Advisor for
Vallejo's Youth Activities Commission. Chaplain holds a doctorate in
education administration (EdD) and theology degrees (STL, STM, MA, BA) with
theses on social ethics and just policing. He moved to Vallejo in 1998
and has been married since 2003. He enjoys the outdoors and superhero
My first thesis was on the Beatitudes. Here is a photo of one of those Beatitudes.
You called. I answered.
God's people asked. I said yes.
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