14 April 2017

Solemn Intercessions of Good Friday (Still Learning)

I only started practicing for the Solemn Intercessions on the morning of Good Friday (just in case I had to do them). 

I didn't know that I was going to go to the 12pm Good Friday services until I found out earlier that morning with some deacons changing the schedule.

By comparison with how I did them in 2016, I followed more of the Gregorian chant notes (instead of a basic tone) for 2017.  It is definitely progress from 2015 where I only used a basic tone.

I accidentally skipped 2 petitions when the pages stuck together.  Mea culpa.

For someone who is not a professional singer, I'm hoping this passes muster until I get more face time in front of a live congregation over time.  I ask the Lord and His congregation to pardon my faults.  The Sacred Liturgy should be as solemn as possible.

My wife reminded me of something from diaconate formation: Always be ready if asked.  I should regularly practice these throughout the year perhaps, and not just during Lent. 

If you are reading this and are not a professional singer and are asked to chant for Masses, keep in mind that you have to start somewhere.  Use basic tone (which the rubrics allow, I believe), until you can hit the right notes.

Of course, formal training is good.  This was the training video I used.  I didn't hit the same high notes, but this was my guide this year.  Thank you to those who put this together!

And that's how I have to look at it and accept the times I did not get the notes right.  I need to think over the long haul and work towards making the Solemn Intercessions such that it moves people closer to God with the Church's mind on sacred worship.

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