10 April 2016

Married Priest: Fr. Jeff Henry

On Sat., I had the privilege of assisting a former Lutheran pastor who entered the Catholic Church many years ago.  This was at the 5pm Mass.

The Holy See gave permission to ordain him to the priesthood, although he was married with a family.

He is currently the Travis Air Force Base pastor of St. Michael's.  I've assisted him before at St. Catherine's.  The former pastor at Travis AFB is now chancellor for the Archdiocese of the Military, USA.

Who would have thought 50 years ago of seeing a married priest and married deacon at a Catholic Mass?  Well that's what happened.

After Mass, I remarked that it was an honor to serve with a married priest.  He joked around saying ,"Don't tell the bishop."  Both of us then had a good laugh.

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