08 March 2023

Deacon Gil Parra (RIP): Told Me He Baptized Over 1,000 on My Ordination Day

On my ordination day in 2014, as the candidates were lining up a few minutes before the start of the Ordination Mass outside the cathedral entrance, somebody went up to me and started talking to me. 

I don't remember what we talked about, other than that he did over 1,000 baptisms.  This amazed me and stuck with me ever since.  I told people about it throughout the years, and I would often remember this encounter whenever I was assigned to administer baptisms for little ones.  

In fact, just last week, during the Rite of Election, I was talking to one of the cathedral deacons in Santa Rosa, and I mentioned in passing that I knew a deacon that administered over a thousand baptisms.  He replied he had only baptized six babies, and at that point I said I didn't remember the guy's name.  However, I did remember his face and his kind words to me those many years ago.  

Well, just today, I received a memo from the Sacramento Diocese announcing the death of Deacon Gill at age 87.  He was ordained in 1981, around his late 50s. 

I was grateful that the Diocese included a picture of him instead of just releasing his name because I would not have recognized the name. So when I saw his photo in the memo, I recognized it was him.  

He was the one who spoke to me for a mere few minutes many years ago, yet it has been seared on my mind and heart.

Please say a prayer for his wife, Helen, and his family.

+ Eternal rest grant unto the soul of Gill Parra, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.  May he rest in peace.  Amen.

Thank you, Brother.

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