14 February 2023

fr. jess email on love for St. Valentine's Day

I enjoyed reading this email from Fr. Jess Soriano, Pastor Emeritus of St. Catherine's Church in Vallejo, today on St. Valentine's Day:


Brothers and sisters...Be aware:  Writing to the Christians in Corinth...St. Paul says:  GOODNESS derives its meaning and purpose from LOVE...that without Love, goodness is worthless and without value.

"You may be able to speak all the languages of man and angels...but if you have no LOVE, your speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell.

"You may have the gift of inspired preaching...and all the knowledge and understanding of all secrets...you may have all the faith needed to move mountains...but if you have no LOVE, you are nothing.

You may give everything you have...or even have your body to be burned...but if you have no LOVE, it does you no good (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

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