10 November 2022

VPD Awards & Decorations


Medal of Valor (blue/white) - Awarded to sworn members for heroic action, above and beyond the call of duty, which demonstrates a degree of self-sacrifice or risk of life that is clearly greater than that normally expected of an officer. 

Medal of Courage (green/white) - Awarded to sworn members for meritorious conduct which reflects outstanding bravery at great personal risk. 

Purple Heart Medal (purple) - Awarded to sworn members who sustain serious injury in the performance of their duties. For the purposes of this order, serious injury is defined as one which requires hospitalization, not resulting from negligence or misconduct. 

Life-Saving Medal (yellow/white) - Awarded to sworn members who save the life of another in immediate risk of death. 

Medal of Merit (red/white) - Awarded to sworn members for meritorious achievement or contribution to the community, the Department or law enforcement. 

Good Conduct Medal (gold/white) - Awarded to sworn members or employees who have received three consecutive annual evaluations with overall ratings of "exceeds expectations" and no rating of "below expectations" in any category. 

Officer of the Year

Reserve Officer of the Year

Civilian of the Year

Dispatcher of the Year

Cadet of the Year

Cadet Physical Fitness

Certificate of Merit - Awarded to employees or citizens for a major accomplishment, or an exceptional act under emergency conditions, which contributes to public safety, the Department or law enforcement.

Certificate of Valor - Awarded to employees or citizens for acts of heroism, performed at great personal risk, which contribute to public safety, the Department or law enforcement. 

Certificate of Commendation (Civilian Award) - Awarded to citizens for accomplishment of outstanding service on behalf of the Department. 

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