02 July 2022

Reflection Questions For Young Married Couples Retreat (July 2019)


July 2019

1.) In the silence of being away from your everyday lives, reflect on the Wedding at Cana from the Gospel of John 2:1-12. Consider individually or as a couple. Choose to read either in lectio divina or as a group. What passages move you from Jesus at the Wedding at Cana?

Share with your spouse first while holding your spouse’s hands. Then, freely share something comfortable with the group.

2.) God through His Church accompanies you in both joys and sorrows of married life. Describe a time when Jesus has worked wonders in your married life thus far, like he did for the married couple at Cana in Galilee. Choose a time in your married life where this wonder has occurred where you were amazed how God has worked in your marriage.

3.) What spiritual devotions, other than Mass, has sustained you in the ups and downs of married life. Witness to others how you and your wife together have grown closer to God and each other, and tell a story that both of you agree on of how you have used spiritual devotions other than Mass in your married life.

4.) In Ephesians 5, St. Paul reflects that the love of husband and wife reflects the love of Christ for His Church? How has your spouse reflected this love between Jesus and those he died?

5.) How do you experience your marriage with your spouse as a sacrament? What does this mean exactly at this moment in your marriage? A sacrament here is defined as a sign instituted by Christ to give grace. How has this been practically lived since the day you got married years ago?

6.) When reflecting upon the Sacrament that you received many years ago, how is it different in your experience now versus what you experienced on the day of your marriage? How have you grown in love? What do you see in your spouse where God is working in him/her?

7.) St. Paul talks about being married in the Lord. You as a Breaking Bread couple have lived as being married in the Lord. Reflect on the difference being married in the Lord has been compared to not being married in the Lord.

8.) Recall the day that you stood before the altar and exchanged vows. Take a moment to describe what you remember and share in a group. The “I do” or “consent” made the marriage what is it. What was in your mind? Reflect on this “consent” this “I do.” After this, make an act of renewing your vows to your beloved spouse.

9.) Reflect on how you and your spouse deal with failure, moments of hurt, arguments and disagreements, and times of forgiveness. How has your faith helped you with these moments of daily married life? How has God surprised in his graces of healing?

10.) In John Paul’s Theology of the Body, he refers to a “complementarity of the body” where the man and woman are designed for each other. How are you and your spouse living this complimentarity of the body? How is God glorified in your unique role as men of God and as women of God? What does it mean to give yourself totally to the other in love?

11.) Men: How has your unique vocation as husband reflect Joseph as a role model? Let the men only speak, and women listen. Men are welcome to respond to reflections.

12.) Women: How has your unique vocation as wife reflect the love of Christ and His Church? Let the women only speak, and the men listen. Women are welcome to respond to reflections.

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