06 June 2022

My Heart Deeply Moved During Preparation of Altar at Mass Thinking of Jesus; I Also Thought My Wife Looked Beautiful When I Gave Her Holy Communion

During the 8 a.m. Pentecost Sunday Mass, as I carefully and reverently prepared the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist, I had a brief moment that deeply moved my heart.

As I placed the patent and unconsecrated host on the corporal which I had just lovingly unfolded, I thought of Jesus.  The congregation was singing, but they seemed to slightly fade in the background. My heart was touched as I thought of how real He was and what He did giving us the Eucharist over 2,000 years ago.  This lasted a few seconds but was such an intense moment.

It is such a joy and privilege to be able to prepare the altar on which the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is offered and re-presented to the Father in an unbloody manner.

Thank you, God.

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For the 10 a.m. Pentecost Sunday Mass:

While I gave my wife Holy Communion yesterday, I thought, "She's beautiful."

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