19 May 2019

100th Baptism of My Former High School Student's Daughter: "Avengers of God, Assemble!" (Homily #156 for 10 New Superheroes of Heaven)

My former high school student, Regina, was a quiet kid in the back of my Religion class over 20 years ago, but now she is one of the "loudest" of them all-- by having her daughter baptized as a royal princess of the King of Heaven!

What do I mean by this?  The Catholic Church in western countries is in a state of decline.  Sacramental life across the board, such as infant baptisms, are statistically in a freefall.  Although there were 10 newly baptized that day, parents overall in society increasingly are not bringing their children to the Sacraments.  

However, through this motherly act of bringing her child to the font of baptism, she has proclaimed to the whole world the saving waters of Christ the Living Water.  This is true love: to bring a child into God's divine life.  Parents, do not deprive your children of the graces of baptism!  As Jesus commanded, "Go and make disciples and baptize them..."  And in Acts of the Apostles, entire households were baptized.

Regina in Latin means "queen."  Regina's daughter is now a princess.  She is a princess anointed with the sweet smelling chrism now united into the royal office of Jesus Christ.  I did not mention this in my homily, but if I had to do it over, I would proclaim to the world that her baby is a princess.  This was one of the readings from the Letter of St. Peter, the first Pope of the Catholic Church (1 Peter): You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a people set apart; once you were no people but now you are God's people.

The congregation clapped when they heard that this was my 100th baptism.  As I think about it now, it is the lay faithful's way to celebrate that great Sacrament of Initiation in Baptism, the gateway to the other sacraments, and mystery of new life with Jesus.  

Thank you, Regina and family, for this great gift of baptism and for proclaiming this loudly throughout the world!

And as I said then many years ago -- and as I say as your "Religion teacher" now -- say your prayers every day.  

And please keep me in your prayers.  Your goofy ol'teacher is getting old.

(audio only of homily)

After everyone left the church, and I cleaned up, I sat in the pew to say thank you to God for this privilege.

I am also grateful to the family that invited me to their reception even though I couldn't make it.  It touched me deeply.

  Before I left the church, I then entrusted these 10 new disciples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

Gianna Renee

Gisselle Marilyn



Adrian Gabriel


Jenalla Marie

Hakeem Elias

Victoria Rose

Hudson Daniel


"Avengers of God, Assemble!"

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