(credit: https://goo.gl/images/UBNJ7X)
I spoke for 4 hours, which included mutual conversations and difficult questions from experienced Master Catechists.
Below, you will see that I was only able to record my introduction b/c I ran out of space on my cell phone recorder. Earlier in the day, I tried to clear space on my cell phone to record it all, but I got interrupted. I really should get me a standard recorder.
The recording of the introduction was a spiritual grounding in the Miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana, the first of Jesus's public miracles from the Gospel of St. John Chapter 2.
The Bible honors Mary -- or rather the Woman -- here in John's Gospel with the words on her lips, "Do whatever He tells you."
These words, "Do whatever He tells you," are the message from Jesus to us today on marriage and family: Do whatever Jesus, through His Church, tells you about marriage and family.
The Church's teachings on marriage and family come from Jesus Christ.
(audio of intro remarks)
Pastoral Care of
Families in Irregular Situations
(in Light of Adult
Sacramental Preparation)
Maris Stella Institute
Deacon Dennis Purificacion
July 14, 2018
Opening Remarks:
Opening prayer consecrating talk to Immaculate
Heart of Mary
The Good News of Jesus Christ on Marriage &
Family: “In the beginning…”
Jesus Christ’s first public ministry was at a
wedding in Cana: “Do whatever He tells you.”
Letter of Sr. Lucia to Cardinal Caffara: “The
final battle between Our Lord and Satan will be over family and marriage.”
Grim statistics of decline of the Church in the
United States & victory in darkness: “We are not fighting for victory but
from victory.” -Fr. Frank Pavone
Disclaimers: I’m not a canon lawyer. Approaching topic as a married deacon
Sources: Catechism
of the Catholic Church 1601-1666; 2331-2400); St. JP2, Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World (Familiaris Consortio), Part IV; truth in
Talk in honor of the 50th anniversary
of Humanae Vitae (human love and
Pastoral Care of Cohabitating Couples (FC 81)
Cohabitation: Unions w/o public recognized
institutional bond, either civil or religious
Circumstances (social, economic, lack of
catechesis, etc.)
Consequences (loss of sense of marriage; social
consequences, fidelity, children, etc.)
Campaign of prevention (freedom, love,
commitment, Theology of Body, chastity, vow)
Catechism 2390: sexual act outside marriage is
grave sin & excludes one from HC
Implications for Sacraments of Initiation; hinders
from serving as godparent/sponsor
Pontifical Council of Family 49 (2000): nearness,
patience, esp. if there are children)
Invitation and catechesis
Convalidation of Catholics in Civil Marriage or Married
by Protestant Ministers (CCC 1601ff)
B.) Plan:
(1) in creation, (2) under regime of sin; (3) under law; (4) “marriage in the
C.) Virginity
& Celebration of Marriage (St. John Chrysostom)
D.) Form
of Marriage for Catholics (to whom much is given, much expected): Vow/Consent
E.) Mixed
marriages and disparity of cult (note: obligation on Catholic)
F.) Implications
for Sacrament of Initiation; hinders from serving as godparent/sponsor
G.) Invitation
and catechesis
Divorce, Remarriage & Annulments
A.) “In the beginning…” & original intent of the Creator
(indissolubility); “hardness of heart”
B.) God instituted marriage & Jesus elevated to sacrament (baptized);
C.) Separation can be legitimate while maintaining the marriage bond v.
natural law offense
D.) “public and permanent adultery” (CCC 2382)
E.) Consequences on society and family (plague); innocent third party
F.) Couples who return to Christian practice should be welcomed with
charity (Pontifical Council for the Family (1997)
G.) Objectives for pastoral care of divorced (and remarried) (PCF, 2000): (1)
Fidelity, (2) Support and (3) Spiritual Guidance; pastoral guidelines: (1)
union with bishop & (2) call to Christ/prayer
H.) Implications for Sacraments of Initiation & serving as
I.) Annulment: Declaration by the Church that the bond did not exist
J.) Formal Case v. Lack of Form
K.) Holy Communion
L.) Parish Advocates
Closing Remarks
Stage of Preparation: Remote, Proximate,
“The salvation of souls is the supreme law of
the Church” (Code of Canon Law).
Closing prayer from FC 86 & appeal to Mother
of Jesus
(c) Dennis Purificacion 2018
All Rights Reserved
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