30 November 2017

"May the Faith Be With You: Theology & 'Star Wars'"

(Part 1 of 3)

(Part 2 of 3)

(Part 3 of 3)

Dennis Purificacion
(c) November 2017
All Rights Reserved

audio recording of a 90-minute talk (including Q-A)

There were 3 main points in the talk:

1.) SW Episodes IV, V, VI (like Gospels)
2.) SW Episodes I, II, III (preparation for Gospel in OT)
3.) SW Episodes VII, VIII, IX (Age of the Church)*

(*presumes a hoped-for final triumph of Light over the Dark Side in Episode IX to end the SW saga)

"Holding a Toy Light Saber Imitating Kenobi-Vader Duel on Mustafar"  
(photo credit: Maureen de Vigal)

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