29 May 2016

Giving My Son His First Holy Communion

E.J. received the Body of Christ from Fr. Glenn for the first time.

I gave the Precious Blood of Christ to my son, EJ, for the first time.
Video by Julia Lumas-Urb, M.D.
Receiving Holy Communion at Mass is the highest act of love a Catholic does for Jesus.

Video by Julia Lumas-Urb, M.D.
As a family, we participated in the Corpus Christi procession after the 12pm Mass, too.
[procession photos here]
The girls were flower girls and dropped flowers on the path of the priest holding Jesus in the Eucharist around the parish grounds.
JP served by holding the throne for the monstrance.  EJ held the boat for the incense.
Parents and in-laws came.  We also ran into the del Castillo family. 
[ picture w/Fr. Glenn and family here ]
We went to Round Table afterwards.

We got an ice cream cake, too, later to celebrate.

I got the movie "Risen" but, as always, we won't have much time to watch it.
Happy First Communion Day, son!  Remember, your most important day after your First Communion....
......is your second Communion and your third Communion and so forth.
Thank you, Jesus, for giving the world the gift of Your Most Sacred Body and Blood. 
May all the world adore You in this wondrous Sacrament!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine!

 I announced at all 5 Masses this weekend that I am returning to St. Catherine's from a temporary assignment in Vacaville.
At some Masses, I re-acquainted the parish with my family by introducing each of them after the Post-Communion Prayer.
I will make a similar announcement at all weekend Masses at St Joseph's some time in June.
More pictures from EJ's First Holy Communion:


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