11 November 2015

Order for the Blessing of the Sick (Homily #45) & Viaticum

I brought Holy Communion to someone on Monday night.  I gave her a small crumb of the Eucharist.  She died on Wednesday morning.

I did not record the homily for this occasion and later encouraged those present to call for a priest.

Citing Catechism (#1524), the Glossary in the Catechism defines Viaticum as "the Eucharist received by a dying person.  It is the spiritual food for one's 'passing over' to the Father from this world.  With Penance and Anointing of the Sick, the reception of Holy Communion as Viaticum constitute  the 'last sacraments' of the Christian."

She received Viaticum.  Thank you, God, for this gift.


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