09 August 2015

+ Estrella Alvarez Villanueva (1930-2015)

My maternal grandmother passed away on Wed., Aug. 5, 2015, at 6:47am California time. 

With her death, all four of my blood grandparents are now in the hands of Our Heavenly Father.

Thank you, God, for giving them long life.  I pray that they were of great service to You.  May our family tree and lineage be of service to Your Name.

I have fond memories of my grandma such as her cooking for me and working hard to provide for her family.  I only encountered her for a few years and have more things to say about her.

I hope to say more later. 

I think I was the only one present in 1987 when she and my maternal grandfather met after many years of divorce.  I just remember being purposefully quiet so as to give them time to greet each other.

I wish I did more to help her materially and spiritually, but she was always a strong woman.

I love and miss her dearly.

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