05 May 2015

The P Fam Tales -- Ep. IV "Rise of the Evil Lord Robot Emperor" (A Daddy-Kiddo Tickle Wars Salaysay)

A short time ago, in my own home near and nearer....

After calling EJ and Princess Mariana to himself, the Evil Lord Robot Emperor Master Pae tricked and trapped the two younglings and began to tickle them ferociously.

Eventually, the handsome Capt. JP attempted to rescue them.  Immediately, the evil Robot Emperor threw the princess into the baby crib prison in Holding Cell 1028, all the while holding EJ hostage.  Then, with a dashing swoop of his awesome hand, the evil Lord Robot grabbed the young captain.  The princess was freed, but it cost Captain JP some tickling.  JP was a robot repairman, and he couldn't understand how the evil Robot Emperor could trap him.  Eventually, with great skill, JP escape.  But the young EJ was still in his mighty clutches.

Meanwhile, the princess brought


"The P Fam Tales" (Part of "The Consolation of Theology" Series)
(c) Dennis Purificacion 1997-2015

Humble Repairman JP
Lt. E-Jay of the Galactic Knights
Princess M&M of Lisew
Baby Faith of Meriam
New Baby ME-PJ
Queen-Princess Master Tac-Pae
Evil Lord Robot Emperor Master Pae

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