03 January 2015

Hardship for the Gospel

My wife helped me pray Evening Prayer (Vespers) this evening.  One of the two lines that moved my heart was from 2 Tim. 1:9-13.

"In the service of this gospel I have been appointed preacher and apostle and teacher, and for its sake I undergo present hardships."

If there was a mystagogia to the Sacrament of Holy Orders, this would be one Scripture passage on which to reflect.  Having now experienced the sacrament to the holy diaconate, I am humbled before the appointment I have received.  It is somewhat different from having taught the Faith as a layman.  The line about enduring hardships for the sake of the Gospel moved move so profoundly that I ha to interrupt my wife during Vespers to reflect on it.

She said that I should post it.  I said that I would blog it instead.  I remarked how I was a sinner and failed to live up to this appointment.

She also remarked that the line touch her about enduring hardship for the Gospel to which I responded that all the baptized endure this.

The second line that touched my heart from Vespers I posted on Facebook.  It was "Save the poor, O Lord."

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